Saturday, July 22, 2017

The edge of Big Data

You get up. The Matrix knows you boarded the subway at the Foggy Bottom Station at 7:10 and departed the Westside Station at 7:32. The Matrix knows you got a venti latte and a blueberry scone at the Starbucks on 5th and Union at 7:45; you used Gowalla to check-in at work at 8:05; you made an Amazon purchase for the P90X Extreme Home Fitness Workout Program 13 DVD set and a chin-up bar at 9:35; you had lunch at the Golden Falafel. - programmer guide to datamining : the ancient art of numerati

Pasang Pelayar

 1. Kalau ikut kamus dewan, istilah install diertikankepada pasang, iaitu memasang perkakasan dan perisian ke dalam komputer. jadi dalam kes...